Sunday, 20 November 2016


This is the poster that we put up around the common room in order to invite people to an audition to be in our music video.

Below is the video of the auditions that took place. We had three people come to audition for us. They were, in order of appearance, Rhiannon, Mikah and Balinder.

Rhiannon has a great style for the person that we are looking for. She has a nice androgynous look and isn't afraid to express herself through her style which we loved. As you can see from the video, Rhiannon was very sadistic in the way that she lip synched to the camera. She seemed confident to lip sync and also showed her expressions really well. However, as you can see from the video, at one point Rhiannon found it hard to keep herself composed for the song meaning she let slip a smile. This gave us doubts because when it comes the real thing we need someone that will be constantly aggressive and savvy about how they hold themselves. Also, Rhiannon stayed in the same position throughout the entire chorus. This meant that we weren't able to see Rhiannon's full potential which was a shame. Overall we thought that she would be a great fit for the style of person we are going for, but due to her composure not being kept and not being fluid with her movements, we didn't think that Rhiannon would be the right person for the role.

Mikah was our second auditionee. We really liked mikah because we felt she met all the needs of an artist within our music video. Mikah showed this through the accuracy of her lip syncing, her style of clothing and the clear confidence that she has in front of the camera. We really liked Mikah's style because although the clothing is simple, it is the right colour theme and is also stylish. We also felt that Mikah done a really good job when it came to becoming the character of the artist. She was able to put on a good performance, and she was also able to be sexual in front of the camera. The only problem that we found with Mi
kah is that she tended to play with her hair a lot. After speaking to her about this, she did say that it was just something that helped her because she was nervous but that she would become more confident as the time went on. This isn't a problem to us because there is plenty of time to get Mikah into the artist that she needs to be. Also, we liked how serious Mikah was although she had a cheeky side to her which was visible to the audition. This then s
howed us that Mikah had a lot of potential to being the artist that we need.

It was clear to us straight away the Balinder was a confident person when she started dancing in front of the camera. This was great for us because it showed that she was able to be who we needed her to be within the music video. Balinder was also very accurate when it came to the lip syncing and was confident in performing the entire song for us if we needed her to. This showed her high levels of professionalism from Balinder which we were really impressed with. However, due to Balinder's dancing being rather too upbeat for the song that we have and being a bit too joyful, it came across as though she wasn't taking the audition as seriously as we would have liked her to. After we spoke to her, she said that that was just her style of dancing. This is when we decided that Balinder wouldn't be the right person to be our artist as she wouldn't be able to become e the serious character that we would need her to be within the music video.

Overall we have decided that the person that we would like to be our artist for our music video is Mikah.

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