This is our first actor Rhiannon Elliot. We believe that she has potential to be our actor because she is very confident in front of the camera. When we were taking the photos of Rhiannon, she was happy enough to pose exactly how we wanted her and she was also happy to do her own thing in front of the lens. She also has the right look for the actor that we want. We would like someone that is from a particular ethnic background, and since Rhiannon is from Uganda, we feel that she would be the right person to use for our music video. However, we would prefer someone that would be able to be seductive in front of the camera and when talking to Rhiannon about this, she said that she wouldn't be too happy to act like this. This means that we would have to reconsider the type of person that we have for our actor. Furthermore, Rhiannon said she wouldn't be happy to consider changing her hair style for us. This is because we are aiming to have someone with different hairstyles in different situations within our music video. This means that we wouldn't be able to create the specific look that we would want within our music video and we would have to find someone that would be happy to apply themselves fully to the character and role that they will be playing. Overall, Rhiannon's attitude and look are the right things that we are looking for. However, due to her not wanting to do certain things or not being comfortable, we would be better off finding someone else for our actor.
This is another one of our potential actors, Balinder Powar. She is very confident in front of the camera and she is also a dancer. This means that she has said she would be happy to perform certain dance routines to go within our music video if she was to become the main actor. However, Balinder is more of an upbeat and fast tempo dancer meaning that her style of dance, wouldn't fit our song. Also, due to Balinder's ethnic background, she has the right look that we are aiming for, for our actor. Balinder also said that she is happy to be styled in anyway that we would like her which is exactly what we need for our actor. Also, Balinder said that she would be happy to style her hair in anyway we wanted which is an upper hand that she has over Rhiannon when it comes to deciding who will be the best actor. However, just like Rhiannon, Balinder said that because she is more of a jokey person, she wouldn't feel very comfortable being seductive. Overall, Balinder would be a great actor for our music video because of her look and attitude, but due to her confidence and personality, we believe that we would be best off to look for potential within other actor.
This is the last of our three potential actors, Mikah Arnold. We believe that Mikah has the perfect style for our actor within our music video. She has the right ethnic background and has the right sort of style. She is very modern with her fashion, even within the photo shoot, keeping it simple but effective with a white blouse and black pencil skirt. Mikah also said that she is happy for us to style her how we need her including styling her hair. This is a huge benefit to us because it means that we are able to develop her look that already fits the part. Another great thing about Mikah is that she is very confident in front of the camera. When we asked Mikah if she would be happy to be seductive within the music video and she said that she would be happy to. This also helps us because it means that we are able to create Mikah into the perfect character for our music video. The only thing that could effect Mikah being our actor is that she wear glasses. We spoke to her about this and she said that she has contact lenses and would be able to wear them when we need her to. Overall, we have chose Mikah as our main actor because of her confidence look and attitude when it comes to our music video.