1. Thought through beats
2.Relationship between narrative and performance
Goodwin stated that in order for any misunderstanding to not happen, you should follow deeply into the meaning of the song in order for the audience to understand the narrative visually. This the helps them to then clearly understand what is happening within the song. This is shown within another of Beyoncé's songs. Within this song, Beyoncé is talking about what she would do if she was a boy for a day. The narrative not only shows links to the lyrics but it also shows the story that she is telling lyrically.
3. A trademark
In order for the artist to be recognised, Goodwin talks about them having a specific trademark. This then makes the artist well known and it also creates a statement for them to live by. For example, Sia's trademark would be classed as anonymity. This is seen with her wearing large wigs that cover her face when in the public. This also reflects n her music video where she has the same girl dancing as the artist throughout all her music videos, whilst also wearing a similar wig to which Sia is always seen in.
4.Multiple close-ups of the main artist
Close ups of the artist within a music video will often include that of the eyes looking at the camera. Goodwin stated that this is done in order to create a connection between the artist and the audience. This makes the audience feel like the artist is directing their actions and words at them specifically. Close ups are often shown within a female artist's music video in order to create the sexualisation of the artist. This is then linked the idea of the 'male gaze'. This is where the female is sexualised in order to appeal directly to the male audience. A music video where this is clearly shown is Rihanna ft. Drake- Work. This video is a pure sexualisation of Rihanna, with the first shot of her being a pan up her bare leg, then leading up towards her breast and the finally her face. The fact that this is the first shot of her also foreshadows the sexual content which is to be shown.
5.Technical aspects
The final element is technical aspects within the music video. This is where the lighting , editing and mise-en-scene is shown to clearly link in with the music and to create a theme for the video. For example, within pop music videos, bright lighting will be used in order to create a more upbeat vibe to the video. Also, it will create the video more enjoyable because if there was for instance dark lighting when the lyrics are talking about a sunny day at the beach with a boyfriend/girlfriend, the audience will become confused and it will create mixed reviews and ideas as to what the music video is really trying to represent. Another example is if the song is a ballad an there are quick editing cuts, it will not make the music video look professional or understandable. Mise-en-scene is also very important within a music video. This is used in order to portray directly to the audience what your theme etc. is within the video. For example, clothing and setting will show what you want the artist to be shown as i.e. minimal clothing in a nightclub will show you're trying to represent a party aspect of the song whilst sexualising your artist.
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